Ok world I have jumped into the 'blogosphere'. Too many times I just want to scream to the world all of the things on my mind and heart - so here is my opportunity.
I am really tired of the argument that rich people should bear the burden of everything (they already pay an unequitable amount of Government revenues) The demand for more and more is getting ridiculous. Politicians continue to play the rich v. poor game in order to procure more power with the masses. "Tyranny of the Masses" was a genuine concern of our Founding Fathers which is why we are a Democratic Republic and not a Democracy. So to the "take from the rich and give the poor" crowd I ask: since when did the Constitution demand that the rich take care of the poor and guarantee them (the poor) health care, etc. The Constitution only guarantees the right to pursue health, prosperity and happiness. The Constitution never guaranteed the poor that a centralized Federal Government would be their “Robinhood” taking from the rich and giving to the poor. The responsibility of taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves (not those who WON’T) primarily falls to churches and charities who do their work through donations that are GIVEN – not from taxes that are TAKEN. The libs don’t trust the good nature of good people because they are intellectual elitist who think they know better than anyone else what is best for them. Well I would rather trust the goodness of people than the bureaucracy of elitist.
Bravo! :)